We love to hear feedback from you. Some weeks get a little busier than others, but we’ll do our best to reply to you within a few business days. Thanks so much for touching base.
Brands, Media & PR Contacts
If you would like to work with High Tea Society, we would love to hear from you. You can send a message via the link below. Learn more about our partnership opportunities here.

Michelle Milton
Director, High Tea Society Pty Ltd
Based in Melbourne, Australia
Connect on LinkedIn
In the media
Digital Marketing Consultant at Fig Agency
Call: +61 (0)4 1718 5458
Connect with us on social media
Facebook @highteasociety
Instagram @highteasociety
LinkedIn @highteasociety
Pinterest /highteasociety
We love to see your high tea photos. Add our hashtag to your photos: #highteasociety so we can share on our social profiles.
High Tea Society™ is a registered trademark.